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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Quick Photo FU Thoughts: exercise

Quite the sword, Steady the camera.

Quite the sword, Steady the camera. I believe great image creation can benefits from strength, fitness, coordination, balance, focus and control.

One part of my photo fu training, learning photography, has become exercise. No, not taking pictures of people exercising, actually exercising. Getting in better shape. I think being in better health will help me greatly when creating better images.

The best exercise for photography, in my opinion are pushups. This exercise has the best overall benefits, ( the arms, the back, stomach etc. Having strong arms can help you steady your shot.
“Benefits of push ups are so obvious that there is no secrets about them. Plain and simple. You just need to take a few minutes each day to perform them and you are going to see their incredible impact on your body very soon. Every week your could notice great changes on the shape of your body, while watching yourself in the mirror. Every week!”

The other important exercise in photography is walking. This is also very easy. Because you can take your camera with you it also makes Great Photo Fu practice. This does require decent weather though. You can catalog your neighborhood, you can go to other areas, parks, whatever makes you happy and take decent pictures.

bike & beer R&D 009

Another Great exercise I like is bike riding. This is something I don’t carry my DSLR (Cambot Mk3) with,though. I generally have my phone or a point and shot. “The best camera you can have is the one that’s with you” Anyhoo When biking you get places farther, and when you rest, and take pictures, you have a decent map of where you have gone and using a smart phone, you get GPS coordinates to go along with it.

All in all, your physical health should be part of your photography. You can get a lot more done the healthier you are.

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