My Photog Blog List

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Early Morning in Hoboken Photo Fu 12-29-09 - a set on Flickr

Photo Fu 12-29-09 - a set on Flickr


It was a dark and smeggnig freezing morning, I could not feel my nose, but the pictures were so work it. As a learning experience. I have been wanting to to takes these shots since i got the camera. I tried this shot, many times before, and with older point and shoots and failed. I am going to take what i learned and redo these pictures when it's warmer. I also have to read up on night photography.

what i need to work on here is ISO settings at this level of light, better choose what metering to use , Center Weighted or Matrix. Also need to work on exposure settings .

Created with flickr slideshow.

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