My Photog Blog List

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tasting Beer and more indoor Photo-Fu

My Beer Appreciation Club, the Draught Board 15, recently, met with a Representative from Samuel Adams andhad a semi tutored Beer tasting of a variety of beers at the Gaslight Brew Pub in South Orange NJ. For me, it was another chance to practice my indoor event photography. 

Unlike the last event, I used my 28-80mm 3.3. This lens  does not handle low light as well as my 35mm 1.8 lens, but allowed fir some light zooming when I could not get up and/or close.  Anyhoo, after processing the images,  I sort of realized how I could of done things  better , Exposure Compensation.

The Exposure Compensation button is an important control on the D90 or any other camera, but I really have not used it much. It is time to change that

“Hold the button and spin the rear dial. + makes the next picture you take brighter, and - makes it darker. If your photo is too dark or light, just change the setting and try again. Easy!” Right now I am reading , How to Set Exposure.

The pictures came out half way decent but could have been much better. The group, by beer club enjoyed the images and even used them on their site. It’s great to have my Pictures viewed.

Created with flickr slideshow.

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