Well if you followed this blog at all, you know I am endeavoring to develop my product photography proficiency. I have learned the most important thing ,in this type of photography ,is the lighting. Another thing, that is important, though, is your back ground. My most current experiment consisted of using a Dark Blue Foam Display Board background. Tri-fold design opens to 36" x 48" Smooth surface, Lightweight, rigid and easy to put away. It is strong enough to hold my light clamps also, which were place on top of the two folds with a horrible make shift light bar in front of the subject. The Subject was floated on top boxes covered by a darkly blue cotton material that did not really match up.
In the end the pictures did not come out the way I wanted. I had the ISO too high. So fix this, I used one of my light room presets to basically black out the back ground. I do like how most of these images came out especially the dark evil redness of the Onslaught toy with the shine. In the worst hour of the worse season is where this character belongs in comics, looking at this image , ok so my imagination is running wild, its Monday I have the right.
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