My Photog Blog List

Monday, February 22, 2010

Brewing Beer and Indoor Photo-Fu

 Photo FU Gaslight Brew Day : Saturday 2/20/10 - a set on Flickr
Gaslight Brew Day with the Draughtboard15 : Saturday 2/20/10 I Joined award winning brewer D.J. Soboti as he brewed The Eliminator, a double honey Mai-Bock (The Maibock style is a pale version of a traditional bock. It is a fairly recent development compared to other styles of bock beers, frequently associated with springtime and the month of May.) . It was a Great event at the Gaslight Brewery in South Orange, NJ and a great learning experience, beer wise and photo wise.
I attempted to shoot mostly in Program mode on my  camera. So speed up the shot set up. I did not handled the ISO settings well at first, and i should of used matrix metering  instead of Center Weighted.
I basically have to master taking pictures indoors in bad light with no flash. Challenge? YES!!!!
the best choice i made was to use the 35mm prime, because i had the ability to move around at will and the lens was very fast. It is now my favorite indoor lens, the next post will tell you why. Oh and there are some phone pics in there as well too

When the beer is ready, i will go sample and take more indoor pics

Created with flickr slideshow.

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